
I have been interested in, and working on, the big problem of Climate Change for much of my working life. Most recently, as Minister of State in the Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, I've been privileged to represent Ireland's interests, while contributing to Climate Policy discussions and agreements at a high-level.
Climate change is the biggest problem facing us in the 21st Century. There are no easy solutions but there is no excuse to ignore the terrifying decline and changes in the natural world and the disproportionate effects that the actions of developed countries have on the lives of those who live in the poorest and least stable regions.
Big problems require big thinking and I believe that Universities such as Trinity are best placed to lead the way by example, but also by working across Departments and Disciplines to make a difference and to develop innovative solutions.
In meeting with Staff at Trinity I've been impressed during my time as Minister by the commitment the College has shown over the long term to keeping sustainability at its core. A good example is the re-development of Trinity East, which will be a model project for other developers and institutions as it has received 'Pathfinder' funding for retrofitting.
I will speak out in the Seanad on all matters around Climate. I will take the knowledge and advice of the many TCD Academics and Graduates working in development, sustainability, engineering solutions and much more and use it to amplify the University's voice and influence.
No contribution is too small- as the Minister who devised and implemented the Deposit Return Scheme I was pleased that Trinity immediately adopted the measures and installed return machines for the use of students and staff,